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by 郭晶

一座大城市,就這樣突然靜了下來。 它什麼時候再醒過來呢? 城市,被封鎖了。人的聲音,不見了。 2020年1月23日,星期四,號稱「九省通衢」的武漢市由於要防止新型冠狀肺炎疫情擴散,宣布所有公共運輸停止運行,隨後湖北省黃岡、鄂州、仙桃、赤壁等城市也跟進,開始了史無前例的「封城」防疫戰,消息一出,舉世譁然。 在即時新聞與資訊傳遞如洪水般每秒不斷沖刷人們認知的現在,我們竟無法確知在一座封閉的城市裡,人們到底過著什麼樣的生活。

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Breasts and Eggs

Breasts and Eggs

by Mieko Kawakami

Breasts and Eggs explores the inner conflicts of an adolescent girl who refuses to communicate with her mother except through writing. Through the story of these women, Kawakami paints a portrait of womanhood in contemporary Japan, probing questions of gender and beauty norms and how time works on the female body. Breast and Eggs is […]

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If It Bleeds

If It Bleeds

by Stephen King

News people have a saying: ‘If it bleeds, it leads’. And a bomb at Albert Macready Middle School is guaranteed to lead any bulletin. Holly Gibney of the Finders Keepers detective agency is working on the case of a missing dog – and on her own need to be more assertive – when she sees […]

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If I Had Your Face

If I Had Your Face

by Frances Cha

If I Had Your Face plunges us into the mesmerizing world of contemporary Seoul – a place where extreme plastic surgery is as routine as getting a haircut, where women compete for spots in secret ‘room salons’ to entertain wealthy businessmen after hours, where K-Pop stars are the object of all-consuming obsession, and ruthless social […]

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